mother-in-law has been exposed online for what she was caught doing while caring for her grandson. User Overall_Today_3592—her daughter-in-law—shared what happened when she came downstairs after a nap on the popular AmITheA****** forum on Reddit.

In the post, the 25-year-old mom explained her frustrations with her mother-in-law’s “old-school” parenting views, such as spanking and letting babies “cry it out,” which clash with her and her husband’s approach.

The conflict reached a boiling point when the mother-in-law was caught feeding the baby a bottle with Froot Loops mixed in after the mom had been napping.

A shocked woman | Source: AmoMama

A stock image of a man trying to calm his wife and mother arguing. The mom was told she was “overreacting” by her husband’s family after her baby was fed cereal. Motortion

“I completely lost it and told her to get out of my house,” the woman wrote. Her mother-in-law refused, claiming it was also her son’s house. The confrontation escalated until the daughter-in-law threatened to call the police, prompting the mother-in-law to leave—though she stayed parked across the street until the woman’s husband returned home.

The situation worsened when the woman discovered her husband had caught his mother doing the same thing the previous week but hadn’t told her. While he reprimanded his mother privately, his failure to inform his wife fueled her anger. “I was furious with both of them at that point,” she admitted.

The woman told her mother-in-law she would never be allowed to babysit or care for her child unsupervised again, a decision she later shared with the family group chat. This prompted another explosive reaction from her mother-in-law, who accused her of being “a helicopter parent.”

The family’s response has been divided. The daughter-in-law’s family supported her, condemning the mother-in-law’s behavior. However, her husband’s family largely sided with the mother-in-law, arguing that the baby was unharmed and the woman was overreacting.

Am I A Jerk For Not Letting My Mother-In-Law See My Baby Until I Put Cameras Up In My Home?”

“My husband has tried to smooth things over and I’m not having it. I told him the only way she’d be allowed back in our home was when I put cameras up and she cannot go out of my sight with [the child] again,” the woman wrote.

Newsweek spoke to Charlotte Stirling-Reed, who posts online as The Baby & Child Nutritionist, expert speaker at The Baby Show and author of How to Wean Your Baby, who said it is important not to offer babies anything in a bottle other than milk and water.

“Milk and water are for drinking and solid foods are for eating. Babies who are developing oral motor skills need clear distinctions between the two, and will struggle to coordinate the skills for mixed-consistency foods at the same time. Offering solid food in a bottle can increase the risk of choking and isn’t recommended.”

The Reddit community largely rallied behind the mother, praising her for standing her ground and prioritizing her child’s safety. Many users criticized the mother-in-law for ignoring clear boundaries and labeled her behavior as “controlling”.

Collectively, the new mom was declared not the a******.