Why Did You Choose to Have Me?': Fox News Host Asks His Mom On-Air Why She Chose Life After Getting Pregnant as a Teen | CBN News

Growing up, I never truly understood the sacrifices my mother made for me—until I finally asked her a question I had never dared to ask before: Why did you choose to have me?

Her voice was steady, but I could hear the emotions behind her words.

“I was young, just 16, full of dreams, and focused on basketball. But then, I got pregnant. And in that moment, I knew—I had a responsibility. It wasn’t my mother’s, it wasn’t my grandparents’. It was mine. I had to step up and be a mother.”

I could hear the pride in her voice, but also the weight of the decision she had made. She gave up sports, the thing she loved the most, to raise me.

“My friends were upset. I was the star player, the point guard. I was the one who made the shots, led the team. And then, just like that, I walked away from it all. I never picked up a basketball again. Because, from the moment I knew you existed, you became my priority.”

I hesitated before asking the next question, but I had to know.

“Did you ever have doubts? Did you ever think about choosing a different path?”

She didn’t even pause. “No. Never. Once I knew I was pregnant, there was no other choice in my mind. I was going to have you, raise you, love you. It wasn’t always easy, and there were times when the struggle felt overwhelming. But I prayed, I leaned on my family, and I kept going. Because you were worth it.”

Hearing those words, I felt a deep gratitude I had never put into words before. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for my mother’s courage, sacrifice, and unwavering love.